Dining Room Tables

Some people say who uses dining rooms and dining room tables anymore? Some other’s like me would say, absolutely people do! The dining room along with the kitchen is the heart of a home. The gathering space. Where we all sit, eat, laugh, and converse, with a beautiful table setting and dinging room table set. Atleast for me anyway. I love a beautiful dining room set. A beautiful plate set and table decor to go with it. It just speaks of goo times uniting with friends and family making memories.

The fondest memories are made when gathered around the table.


Family Keepsakes

To start a lot of dining room tables were passed down, and this table was passed down to me from my grandmother. There was no way I was not going to fix it up. This is probably the one piece that I took the most time on. Not only because of it’s beauty and detail, but because I wanted my grandmother to have loved it as much as I did. I think I did a job she would have been pleased with.

I’ve learned to value those sentimental pieces passed down a little more than maybe we do sometimes. To some it’s just a piece of furniture, but to me and for some other’s it speaks of time, work, and sacrifice our close relatives and ancestors worked for. Something they took pride in, so we should only do the same. Take pride in those pieces. That is why vintage is such pure beauty. Vintage holds stories.

From This Dining Room Table To That

Dining room table

Grandma never did anything to this table and chair set, but maybe switch the chair cushions out. They were still pretty outdated, so I got to work. Again for me I love contrast. Contrast in earth colors or texture. I knew immediately the table and chairs were not going to be the same. I love the look of the natural light wood, with the dark wood chairs featuring a lighter cushion with it’s own intricate details. This table sits in my dining room off of my entrance. I wanted no other piece, but this one there. It definitely catches the eye. Lastly, it elevates the room and most of all is used to make the fondest memories and I hope to one day pass it down to one of my children.

Dining room table